How to Make Doppio Coffee

how to make doppio coffee at home

In the world of coffee, there’s a drink that stands out for those seeking an extra punch of caffeine and flavor – the Doppio coffee. Also known as a double shot of espresso, is a coffee beverage that contains a double serving of espresso. It is a popular choice for those who prefer a stronger and more concentrated coffee experience. Often referred to as a “standard double,” Doppio has its roots in Italian coffee culture, where the term “doppio” means “double.” Instead of a single shot of espresso, a doppio consists of two shots of espresso extracted from the espresso machine. The process of making a doppio is similar to that of a regular espresso shot, but it involves pulling twice the amount of water through the coffee grounds. This results in a slightly larger volume of espresso and a stronger flavor profile. In this article, we’ll explore the art of Doppio coffee, how to make it, and why it’s beloved by many.

Understanding Doppio Coffee

What is Doppio Coffee?

It is an Italian term used to describe a double shot of espresso. Unlike a regular espresso, which consists of a single shot, a Doppio comprises two shots of espresso, both extracted from the espresso machine. The process of making a Doppio is similar to that of a standard espresso shot, but it involves pulling twice the amount of water through the coffee grounds. This results in a slightly larger volume of espresso and a significantly stronger flavor profile.

The Appeal of Doppio Coffee

The allure of Doppio coffee lies in its robust and concentrated taste. It’s a beverage for those who appreciate a bolder and more intense coffee experience. The double shot means that Doppio contains more caffeine than a single espresso, making it an ideal choice for anyone in need of an energy boost or a caffeine kickstart in the morning.

Making Doppio Coffee: A Simple Recipe

Ingredients You’ll Need

Before diving into the recipe, let’s gather the necessary ingredients and equipment:

  1. Espresso machine (you can also use a Moka Pot or French Press)
  2. 14 – 16 grams of freshly roasted espresso coffee beans or ground coffee
  3. Grinder

Now, let’s walk through the steps of making a delicious cup:

Step 1: Grinding the Coffee Beans

Begin by grinding a sufficient amount of coffee beans to a fine consistency suitable for espresso. The quality of the grind plays a crucial role in the final taste, so ensure it’s just right.

Step 2: Preparing the Espresso Machine

Next, make sure your espresso machine is heated up and ready for extraction. Properly heated water is essential for brewing a perfect Doppio.

Step 3: Loading the Portafilter

Take a double espresso portafilter, which is essentially a handle with two small baskets. Distribute the freshly ground coffee evenly into the baskets, ensuring a level surface.

Step 4: Tamping the Coffee Grounds

Using a tamper, press the coffee grounds firmly and evenly to create a compact puck. This step ensures an even extraction of flavors.

Step 5: Locking the Portafilter

Lock the portafilter into the espresso machine, activating the extraction process. The machine will force hot water through the coffee grounds, extracting two shots of espresso simultaneously.

Step 6: Serving the Doppio

Once the extraction is complete, stop the flow of water by unlocking the portafilter. Serve the Doppio in a small espresso cup immediately to enjoy its full, bold flavor.

Differences Between Doppio and Other Types of Coffee

Doppio vs. Espresso

A Doppio consists of two shots of espresso combined into one cup. It contains twice the caffeine compared to a single espresso shot. While Doppio has a larger volume than a single espresso, it maintains the same fine grind and extraction process as espresso.

Doppio vs. Lungo

Doppio coffee and Lungo appear similar in volume, but they achieve this differently. Lungo is often a larger espresso shot achieved by using coarser coffee grounds or doubling the extraction time. In contrast, Doppio retains the fine espresso grind.

Doppio vs. Americano

An Americano is created by diluting espresso with hot water, resulting in a milder flavor. Doppio, however, is not diluted and maintains its intense coffee profile.

Doppio vs. Other Brewing Methods (Cezve, Geyser Coffee Maker, French Press, Pour-Over)

Preparation Method

It can only be prepared using an espresso machine or a double-holder carob coffee maker. It relies on the pressurized extraction unique to espresso machines. In contrast, other methods like Cezve (Turkish coffee), geyser coffee makers, French press, and pour-over employ different techniques and equipment.

It sets itself apart by being a double shot of espresso, delivering a strong, concentrated flavor and higher caffeine content. It maintains the same fine grind as espresso and isn’t diluted with water like an Americano. Additionally, Doppio can only be brewed using specialized coffee machines designed for espresso extraction, distinguishing it from alternative brewing methods.

Versatility of Doppio Coffee

Apart from its standalone excellence, it offers versatility in creating various espresso-based beverages. Its rich and robust flavor serves as an excellent base for drinks like cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos. If you’re a fan of creamy and frothy coffee creations, Doppio is an excellent starting point.


It is a double shot of espresso, is a delightful treat for true coffee enthusiasts. Its strong, intense flavor and higher caffeine content make it a beloved choice among those who crave a bold coffee experience. Whether enjoyed on its own or as the foundation for other coffee concoctions, Doppio is a testament to the artistry of espresso making. So, the next time you need a coffee that packs a punch, give Doppio a try!


1. Is it stronger than a regular espresso?

Yes, Doppio coffee is stronger as it contains twice the amount of espresso compared to a regular espresso shot.

2. Can I make it without an espresso machine?

While an espresso machine is the preferred method, you can use a Moka Pot or French Press as alternative brewing options.

3. What is the ideal grind size for Doppio coffee?

You should grind the coffee beans to a fine consistency suitable for espresso, similar to table salt.

4. Can I add milk or sugar to it?

Certainly! Doppio coffee can be enjoyed as is, or you can add milk, cream, or sugar to suit your taste preferences.

5. Is it same as a double espresso?

Yes, Doppio coffee and double espresso are two terms used interchangeably to describe the same beverage – a double shot of espresso.

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