How to Start a Coffee Cart Business in India

How to Start a Coffee Cart Business in India

Let’s begin and learn how to start a coffee cart business in India, starting a coffee cart can be a great way to turn your passion for coffee into a business. The coffee cart business in India can be an exciting and rewarding venture. It allows entrepreneurs to enter the market with low investment costs and provides flexibility in terms of location and hours of operation. We will provide an overview of the essential steps to starting a successful coffee cart business in India. From market research to equipment selection, this topic will cover everything you need to know to get started. So, let’s dive in!

First, we need to understand that India is one of the fastest-growing coffee markets in the global market, with an estimated annual growth rate of 5-6%. The popularity of coffee is attributed to the changes in lifestyle, the rise of a young and urban population has given rise to the coffee culture in India. The coffee cart businesses have become increasingly popular in India as they offer a convenient and affordable option for coffee lovers on the go. The coffee culture spreads slowly from metros to tier II and tier III cities.

Market Research:

Before starting a coffee cart business in India, it’s important to conduct thorough market research. This will help you understand the needs and preferences of your potential customers, as well as the competition in the market landscape. Here are the three key elements of market research for starting a coffee cart business:

  1. First, Identify the Target Audience: Identify who your ideal customers are and what they are looking for in a coffee cart. Consider factors such as age, income, lifestyle, and coffee preferences. It’s also essential to identify the busiest areas in the city where you can set up your coffee cart.
  2. Second, Assess the Competition: Research other coffee cart businesses in your area and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Identify what they offer and what sets your coffee cart apart from them. Learn from their mistakes and see what strategies work for them.
  3. Third, Analyze Market Trends: Stay up to date on the latest coffee trends and preferences of the local market. Look for popular coffee flavors, brewing methods, and other offerings that you can incorporate into your menu.

By conducting thorough market research, you can gain a deep understanding of your potential customers, their preferences, and the competitive landscape. This information will help you tailor your business strategy to best serve your target audience and stand out from the competition.

Creating a Business Plan:

Once you have completed your market research, the next step is to create a business plan. This will serve as a roadmap for your coffee cart business and help you achieve your goals. Here are the three key components of a coffee cart business plan:

  1. Identifying the Business Goals and Objectives: Identify your short-term and long-term business goals and objectives. You should consider factors such as sales targets, profit margins, and expansion plans and create a timeline for achieving these goals and objectives.
  2. Developing a Financial Plan: Determine the financial requirements for starting and operating your coffee cart business. Also, consider costs such as equipment, supplies, licenses, permits, and staffing and estimate your expected revenue and create a budget to ensure that your business is profitable.
  3. Creating a Marketing Strategy: Develop a marketing strategy to promote your coffee cart business and attract customers, the factors such as branding, social media marketing, local advertising, and promotional events. Finding the key messages you want to communicate to your target audience and develop a plan to reach them effectively.

By creating a business plan, you can outline your goals and objectives, identify your financial requirements, and develop a marketing strategy that will help you succeed. It’s important to revisit and update your business plan regularly as your business grows and evolves.

Location and Licensing:

Selecting the right location for your coffee cart is crucial for the success of your business. Here are the key steps to take when selecting a location and obtaining the necessary permits and licenses:

  1. Selecting a Location: Choose a location that is easily accessible, has high foot traffic, and is visible to potential customers. Consider the factors such as proximity to office complexes, universities, or busy streets. Ensure that the location meets your needs in terms of space, power supply, and parking.
  2. Applying for Necessary Permits and Licenses: Before starting your coffee cart business, you need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. The requirements vary from state to state, so check with your local authorities to find out what permits and licenses are needed.  Typically, you will need a food service permit, NOC from the local Municipal Corporation, and a business license.
  3. Meeting Health and Safety Regulations: Food service businesses must comply with strict health and safety regulations. Ensure that your coffee cart meets all the necessary requirements, such as having proper sanitation facilities and food storage practices. Also, you need to get an FSSAI (Food Safety & Standards Authority of India) license and undergo health and safety inspections before opening your coffee cart business.

Selecting the right location, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, and meeting health and safety regulations, you can ensure that your coffee cart business operates legally and safely. Be sure to comply with all regulations and seek help from legal and licensing experts if needed.

Equipment and Supplies:

Having the right equipment and supplies is essential to the success of your coffee cart business. Here are the key steps to take when choosing the equipment and supplies:

  1. Choosing the Right Equipment: Invest in high-quality equipment that is durable and easy to operate. Consider factors such as the size of your coffee cart, the volume of business you expect, and your menu offerings. Essential equipment for a coffee cart includes a commercial espresso machine, a coffee grinder, a blender, a water tank, and refrigeration units.
  2. Selecting High-Quality Coffee Beans and Other Ingredients: The quality of your coffee beans and other ingredients directly impacts the taste of your coffee. Choose high-quality coffee beans that are fresh and roasted locally. Consider offering a variety of coffee flavors, including decaf and organic options. Also, select other ingredients such as milk, syrups, and sweeteners that meet the preferences of your target audience.
  3. Finding Reliable Suppliers: Finding reliable suppliers is crucial for ensuring a consistent supply of ingredients and other supplies. Research and identify local suppliers that offer high-quality products at competitive prices. Establish relationships with your suppliers and communicate your requirements to ensure that you receive the supplies you need on time.

Choosing the right equipment, selecting high-quality coffee beans and ingredients, and finding reliable suppliers, you can ensure that your coffee cart business delivers high-quality coffee and other beverages to your customers.


Hiring and training the right employees is crucial for the success of your coffee cart business. Here are the key steps to take when staffing your coffee cart:

  1. Determining Staffing Needs: Determine the number of employees you need based on the size of your coffee cart, the volume of business you expect, and the level of service you want to provide. Consider hiring employees for roles such as baristas, cashiers, and servers. Also, identify the skills and qualifications you require for each role.
  2. Hiring and Training Employees: Recruit employees who are passionate about coffee and customer service. Conduct interviews and reference checks to ensure that you hire qualified candidates who fit your business culture. Train your employees on coffee preparation techniques, customer service, and health and safety regulations. Provide ongoing training to ensure that your employees stay up-to-date with the latest coffee trends and techniques.
  3. Managing Staff Effectively: Effective management is key to maintaining staff motivation and productivity. Create a positive work environment by providing clear expectations, goals, and feedback to your employees. Recognize and reward exceptional performance, and provide constructive feedback when needed. Create a culture of teamwork and respect among your employees.

Finding your staffing needs, hiring and training qualified employees, and managing your staff effectively, you can ensure that your coffee cart business provides great service to your customers.

Menu and Pricing:

Developing a menu of coffee and other offerings that appeals to your target audience is critical to the success of your coffee cart business. Here are the key steps to take when developing your menu and pricing strategy:

  1. Developing a Menu of Coffee and Other Offerings: Consider the preferences of your target audience when developing your menu. Offer a variety of coffee options, including espresso-based drinks, drip coffee, and cold brew. Consider offering non-coffee beverages, such as tea and hot chocolate, to cater to non-coffee drinkers. Also, consider offering snacks and pastries that pair well with coffee.
  2. Setting Prices That Are Competitive and Profitable: Set prices that are competitive with other coffee shops in the area while also ensuring that they are profitable for your business. Consider the cost of ingredients, equipment, and labor when setting your prices. Also, consider offering different sizes and options to cater to customers with different budgets.
  3. Offering Specials and Promotions: Offering specials and promotions is a great way to attract new customers and keep your regulars coming back. Consider offering discounts for students or senior citizens, daily specials, or loyalty programs that reward customers for frequent visits. Also, consider partnering with other businesses in the area to offer joint promotions.

Developing a menu of coffee and other offerings that appeals to your target audience, setting prices that are competitive and profitable, and offering specials and promotions, you can ensure that your coffee cart business attracts and retains customers.

Marketing and Promotion:

Marketing and promoting your coffee cart business is critical to attracting customers and building a strong brand. Here are the key steps to take when developing your marketing and promotion strategy:

  1. Creating a Brand for the Coffee Cart Business: Develop a brand that reflects your coffee cart’s unique identity and appeals to your target audience. Consider your business name, logo, tagline, and overall aesthetic. Use your brand consistently across all your marketing materials, including your coffee cart, social media profiles, and website.
  2. Developing a Social Media Presence: Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your coffee cart business. Develop a social media strategy that includes regular posting and engagement with your followers. Consider partnering with influencers or running social media ads to reach a wider audience.
  3. Creating a Website and Using Other Online Marketing Tactics: Having a website is essential for establishing your coffee cart’s online presence. Use your website to showcase your menu, location, and contact information. Consider using search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to improve your website’s visibility in search results. Also, consider using other online marketing tactics, such as email marketing and online directories.
  4. Participating in Local Events and Building Partnerships: Participate in local events, such as farmers’ markets and festivals, to promote your coffee cart and connect with potential customers. Consider partnering with other local businesses to cross-promote each other’s products and services. Also, consider offering catering services to local businesses and organizations.

Creating a strong brand for your coffee cart business, developing a social media presence, creating a website and using other online marketing tactics, and participating in local events and building partnerships, you can attract new customers and build a loyal following for your business.

Managing Finances:

Managing your finances effectively is essential to the success of your coffee cart business. Here are the key steps to take when managing your finances:

  1. Tracking Expenses and Revenue: Track your expenses and revenue to understand your coffee cart’s financial performance. Use accounting software or a spreadsheet to record all your transactions, including the cost of ingredients, equipment, and labor, as well as your revenue from sales. Regularly review your financial statements, including your profit and loss statement and cash flow statement, to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Managing Cash Flow: Managing your cash flow is critical to ensuring that your coffee cart business has enough funds to cover expenses and invest in growth. Monitor your cash flow regularly to ensure that you have enough funds to cover expenses, such as rent and inventory, and to pay yourself and your employees. Consider using cash flow forecasting to plan for future expenses and revenue.
  3. Planning for Future Growth: Plan for the future growth of your coffee cart business by setting financial goals and creating a budget. Consider your long-term business goals, such as expanding to new locations or introducing new products, and create a plan for achieving them. Also, consider seeking financing or investment to fund future growth.

Tracking your expenses and revenue, managing your cash flow, and planning for future growth, you can ensure that your coffee cart business remains financially healthy and has the resources it needs to succeed.


The budget required to start a coffee cart in India can vary depending on various factors, such as the location, size of the cart, equipment, and supplies needed.

  1. Coffee cart: A basic coffee cart can cost between INR 30,000-50,000, but prices can go higher depending on the size and design of the cart.
  2. Equipment: You will need to purchase an espresso machine, a grinder, a refrigerator, and other equipment. This can cost between INR 50,000-1,00,000.
  3. Supplies: You will need to purchase coffee beans, milk, cups, and other supplies. This can cost around INR 10,000-30,000 to start.
  4. Permits and licenses: You will need to obtain any necessary permits and licenses from your local government. This can cost between INR 5,000-10,000.
  5. Marketing: You will need to market your coffee cart to attract customers. This can cost anywhere from INR 5,000-10,000 for basic advertising.

Overall, you can expect to spend around INR 1,00,000-2,00,000 to start a basic coffee cart in India. However, the costs can vary depending on the specific needs of your business.

In conclusion, starting a coffee cart business in India requires hard work, dedication, and a passion for coffee. However, with the right strategies and a commitment to providing excellent service, a coffee cart business can be a fulfilling and profitable venture. We encourage you to pursue your dream of starting a coffee cart business in India and wish you the best of luck in your entrepreneurial journey!

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