What is Hazelnut Cold Coffee and How to Make It

What is Hazelnut Cold Coffee and How to Make It

Are you looking to add a delightful twist to your daily coffee routine? If you’re a coffee enthusiast who enjoys experimenting with flavors, then hazelnut cold coffee might just be your new favorite beverage. In this article, we will explore the wonderful world of hazelnut cold coffee, uncover its appeal, and guide you through the process of making this delectable treat at home.

The Tempting Appeal of Hazelnut Cold Coffee

Harmony of Flavors

Hazelnut cold coffee brings together the boldness of coffee with the smooth and nutty essence of hazelnuts. This perfect balance of flavors creates a symphony that tantalizes your taste buds in every sip. The contrast between the robust bitterness of coffee and the sweet creaminess of hazelnuts is truly a match made in coffee heaven.

Aesthetic Delight

Beyond its captivating taste, hazelnut cold coffee also boasts visual allure. The artful swirls of hazelnut-infused coffee combined with the possibility of a velvety whipped cream topping create an Instagram-worthy masterpiece. It’s a treat not only for your taste buds but also for your eyes.

Crafting Your Own Hazelnut Cold Coffee

Essential Ingredients

To make it, gather these simple ingredients:

  • Freshly brewed coffee
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • Milk or cream
  • Ice cubes
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Crushed hazelnuts for garnish (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Brew and Chill the Coffee Begin by brewing a strong cup of your favorite coffee. Allow it to cool to room temperature and then refrigerate it until it’s chilled.
  2. Infuse with Hazelnut Flavor Once your coffee is nicely chilled, add a generous splash of hazelnut syrup. The quantity can be adjusted according to your taste preferences, so feel free to add more for a robust hazelnut kick or less for a milder hint.
  3. Introduce Creaminess Pour in the milk or cream of your choice. This step not only adds a luxurious creaminess but also mellows out the sweetness of the hazelnut syrup, creating a well-rounded flavor profile.
  4. Add the Ice  Drop a handful of ice cubes into your coffee concoction. The ice not only chills the drink to perfection but also dilutes it to your desired strength.
  5. Give It a Good Stir Take a moment to thoroughly mix the ingredients. This ensures that the hazelnut goodness is evenly distributed throughout the coffee, guaranteeing a consistent taste in every sip.
  6. A Dash of Indulgence If you’re in the mood for an extra touch of indulgence, crown your hazelnut cold coffee with a dollop of whipped cream. This velvety addition complements the nutty notes and adds a delightful textural contrast.
  7. Garnish and Relish For a finishing touch, consider sprinkling crushed hazelnuts atop the whipped cream. Not only does this bring a satisfying crunch, but it also enhances the hazelnut experience. With your hazelnut cold coffee prepared, take a seat, and enjoy your homemade creation.

Variations of Hazelnut Cold Coffee

It has captured the hearts of coffee enthusiasts around the world with its rich and nutty flavor profile. While the classic recipe is undeniably delightful, there’s a world of variations that you can explore to elevate your coffee experience. Now, let’s explore some exciting variations:

1. Vanilla Hazelnut Fusion


  • Freshly brewed and chilled coffee
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • Vanilla extract or vanilla syrup
  • Milk or cream
  • Ice cubes


  1. Follow the classic recipe, but add a dash of vanilla extract or vanilla syrup along with the hazelnut syrup.
  2. The combination of vanilla and hazelnut creates a harmonious and aromatic blend that’s both comforting and indulgent.

2. Chocolate Hazelnut Delight


  • Freshly brewed and chilled coffee
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • Chocolate syrup or cocoa powder
  • Milk or cream
  • Ice cubes


  1. Prepare the hazelnut cold coffee base as usual, incorporating hazelnut syrup.
  2. Add a drizzle of chocolate syrup or a sprinkle of cocoa powder for a decadent twist.
  3. The marriage of chocolate and hazelnut is a match made in dessert heaven, creating a satisfyingly rich and luxurious flavor.

3. Hazelnut Iced Latte


  • Freshly brewed and chilled coffee
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • Espresso shot (optional)
  • Milk or cream
  • Ice cubes


  1. Begin with the standard hazelnut cold coffee recipe.
  2. For an extra kick of caffeine, add a shot of espresso to the mixture.
  3. The addition of espresso transforms the drink into a hazelnut iced latte, perfect for those seeking a stronger coffee presence.

4. Nutty Coconut Infusion


  • Freshly brewed and chilled coffee
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • Coconut milk or coconut cream
  • Ice cubes


  1. Prepare the hazelnut cold coffee base and introduce hazelnut syrup.
  2. Replace traditional milk or cream with creamy coconut milk or coconut cream.
  3. The coconut adds a tropical twist that pairs beautifully with the nuttiness of hazelnut.

5. Hazelnut Mocha Magic


  • Freshly brewed and chilled coffee
  • Hazelnut syrup
  • Chocolate syrup or cocoa powder
  • Milk or cream
  • Ice cubes


  1. Create the hazelnut cold coffee foundation, adding hazelnut syrup.
  2. Incorporate chocolate syrup or cocoa powder to infuse a mocha essence into the drink.
  3. The combination of hazelnut and mocha brings together the best of both worlds – a balanced blend of nutty and chocolatey flavors.


It offers a remarkable journey for your taste buds, combining the robustness of coffee with the inviting warmth of hazelnuts. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily create this flavorful and visually appealing drink in the comfort of your own kitchen. Whether you’re sipping it on a sunny day or treating yourself after a long week, hazelnut cold coffee is bound to become a staple in your beverage repertoire.


1. Can I use different types of coffee for it?

Certainly! Whether you prefer espresso, regular brewed coffee, or cold brew, any type of coffee can be used as the base for hazelnut cold coffee.

2. Is hazelnut cold coffee overly sweet?

The sweetness level is flexible and can be adjusted to your taste. Add hazelnut syrup to your preferred level of sweetness.

3. Can I make a dairy-free version of it?

Absolutely. Swap out dairy milk for your favorite plant-based milk, such as almond milk or oat milk, to create a dairy-free version.

4. What other flavors can I experiment with in cold coffee?

The world of cold coffee is open to experimentation. Try out flavors like caramel, vanilla, chocolate, or even unique fruit-based syrups.

5. Are whipped cream and crushed hazelnuts necessary for hazelnut cold coffee?

While not essential, they add an extra layer of taste and texture. Whipped cream brings a velvety richness, and crushed hazelnuts provide a delightful crunch, enhancing your overall experience.

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